Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I have been working, mentally, the last few days trying to "let go" of a specific negativity that creeped into my mindspace.  There is a common belief in today's world that Christianity is hypocritical and full of double-standards.  It's easy to see where this majority vote comes from.  Christians are saved, but we still sin.  This is a long study in itself but can be summed up fairly easily.  We, as Christians, will sin.  We are not free from sin, every human on this planet will sin.  Christians are free from the "power" of sin and the "ability" of sin to have a foothold in our minds.  This is simple on one hand and very complicated on the other.

I have a problem with denominations and interpretations...  This is the other main reason, in my opinion, for the negative view of Christianity today.
"Christians just pick and choose various Bible verses that suit them at any given moment", a comment I've heard/read so many times by unbelievers.  Guess what, they have a valid point!  Different denominations focus on different topics and interpret the Bible in different ways.  Jesus is the bottom line, and many denominations have missed the boat completely.
God did not intend for us to break off into different sects and label ourselves based on different interpretations of His Word.  Just the thought of how many different types of Christianity there are makes me sad.  There is only one Church on this entire planet, most people don't realize that.  I was completely lost in my walk with Christ until I started spending time with a theologian 5 years ago.  I'm no expert and I'm not better than anyone else.  That being said I must say the "God thing", as a whole, is pretty simple.
If you want to twist around words and meanings, the Bible is a VERY EASY place to do just that.

A quote from facebook that I appreciated:
Going to Church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.